指导型 Bug 模板

我们鼓励外部贡献者参与 Firefox 代码库,特别是遥测模块的开发。为了设置指导型 Bug,您可以使用以下模板。将其作为评论发布,并在第 3 部分添加相关步骤。

To help Mozilla out with this bug, here's the steps:

1. Comment here on the bug that you want to volunteer to help.
   This will tell others that you're working on the next steps.
2. [Download and build the Firefox source code](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.ac.cn/setup/index.html)
   * If you have any problems, please ask on
     in the `#introduction` channel. They're there to help you get started.
   * You can also read the
     [Firefox Contributors' Quick Reference](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.ac.cn/contributing/contribution_quickref.html),
     which has answers to most development questions.
3. Start working on this bug. <SPECIFIC STEPS RELEVANT TO THIS BUG>
   * If you have any problems with this bug,
     please comment on this bug and set the needinfo flag for me.
     Also, you can find me and my teammates on the `#telemetry` channel on
     most hours of most days.
4. Build your change with `mach build` and test your change with
   `mach test toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/`.
   Also check your changes for adherence to our style guidelines by using `mach lint`
5. Submit the patch (including an automated test, if applicable) for review.
   Mark me as a reviewer so I'll get an email to come look at your code.
   * [Getting your code reviewed](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.ac.cn/setup/contributing_code.html#getting-your-code-reviewed)
   * This is when the bug will be assigned to you.
6. After a series of reviews and changes to your patch,
   I'll mark it for checkin or push it to autoland.
   Your code will soon be shipping to Firefox users worldwide!
7. ...now you get to think about what kind of bug you'd like to work on next.
   Let me know what you're interested in and I can help you find your next contribution.

不要忘记在 Bug 上将自己添加为 Mentor,并将以下标签添加到 Whiteboard

  • 添加 [lang=<language>] 以显示解决此 Bug 将涉及哪些语言。

  • 添加 [good first bug][good second bug][good next bug] 之一,以指示哪些人可能适合参与此 Bug。

如果这是一个“适合新手”的 Bug,请确保也添加 good-first-bug Keyword