GeckoView 登录存储 API¶
Eugen Sawin <>
当前的 GV 自动填充 API 提供了实现自动填充/登录应用程序支持的所有基本回调和元信息。它还管理回退到 Android AutofillManager
但是,当前的 GV 自动填充 API 没有利用处理许多自动填充/登录场景的 Gecko 启发式的完整范围。
GV 登录存储 API 旨在弥合这一差距,并为 Fenix 提供一个中间解决方案,以实现功能丰富的自动填充/登录支持,而无需复制 Gecko 机制。作为存储级 API,它还可以轻松集成到现有的 Firefox 同步 AC 中。
API 提案 A(已弃用)¶
统一登录存储 API:会话委托
class LoginStorage {
class Login {
String guid;
// @Fenix: currently called `hostname` in AsyncLoginsStorage.
String origin;
// @Fenix: currently called `formSubmitURL` in AsyncLoginsStorage
String formActionOrigin;
String httpRealm;
String username;
String password;
class Hint {
// @Fenix: Automatically save the login and indicate this to the
// user.
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open UI to
// save if they really want.
// The data looks like it may be some other data (e.g. CC) entered
// in a password field.
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open UI to
// save if they want (e.g. in case the CC number is actually the
// username for a credit card account)
// TBD
interface Delegate {
// Notify that the given login has been used for login.
// @Fenix: call AsyncLoginsStorage.touch(login.guid).
void onLoginUsed(Login login);
// Request logins for the given domain.
// @Fenix: return AsyncLoginsStorage.getByHostname(domain).
GeckoResult<Login[]> onLoginRequest(String domain);
// Request to save or update the given login.
// The hint should help determining the appropriate user prompting
// behavior.
// @Fenix: Use the API from application-services/issues/1983 to
// determine whether to show a Save or Update button on the
// doorhanger, taking into account un/pw edits in the doorhanger.
// When the user confirms the save/update,
void onLoginSave(Login login, int hint);
// TBD (next API iteration): handle autocomplete selection.
// GeckoResult<Login> onLoginSelect(Login[] logins);
// Extending existing session class.
class GeckoSession {
// Set the login storage delegate for this session.
void setLoginStorageDelegate(LoginStorage.Delegate delegate);
LoginStorage.Delegate getLoginStorageDelegate();
API 提案 B¶
拆分登录存储 API:运行时存储委托/会话提示¶
class LoginStorage {
class Login {
String guid;
// @Fenix: currently called `hostname` in AsyncLoginsStorage.
String origin;
// @Fenix: currently called `formSubmitURL` in AsyncLoginsStorage
String formActionOrigin;
String httpRealm;
String username;
String password;
interface Delegate {
// v2
// Notify that the given login has been used for login.
// @Fenix: call AsyncLoginsStorage.touch(login.guid).
void onLoginUsed(Login login);
// Request logins for the given domain.
// @Fenix: return AsyncLoginsStorage.getByHostname(domain).
GeckoResult<Login[]> onLoginFetch(String domain);
// Request to save or update the given login.
void onLoginSave(Login login);
// Extending existing runtime class.
class GeckoRuntime {
// Set the login storage delegate for this runtime.
void setLoginStorageDelegate(LoginStorage.Delegate delegate);
// Extending existing prompt delegate.
class GeckoSession {
interface PromptDelegate {
class LoginStoragePrompt extends BasePrompt {
class Type {
int SAVE;
// TBD: autocomplete selection.
// int SELECT;
class Hint {
// v2
// @Fenix: Automatically save the login and indicate this
// to the user.
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open
// UI to save if they really want.
// The data looks like it may be some other data (e.g. CC)
// entered in a password field
// @Fenix: Don’t prompt to save but allow the user to open
// UI to save if they want (e.g. in case the CC number is
// actually the username for a credit card account)
// TBD
// Type
int type;
// Hint
// The hint should help determining the appropriate user
// prompting behavior.
// @Fenix: Use the API from application-services/issues/1983 to
// determine whether to show a Save or Update button on the
// doorhanger, taking into account un/pw edits in the
// doorhanger. When the user confirms the save/update.
int hint;
// For SAVE, it will hold the login to be stored or updated.
// For SELECT, it will hold the logins for the autocomplete
// selection.
Login[] logins;
// Confirm SAVE prompt: the login would include a user’s edits
// to what will be saved.
// v2
// Confirm SELECT (autocomplete) prompt by providing the
// selected login.
PromptResponse confirm(Login login);
// Dismiss request.
PromptResponse dismiss();
GeckoResult<PromptResponse> onLoginStoragePrompt(
GeckoSession session,
LoginStoragePrompt prompt